Friday, 20 September 2019

Catch it

On a hot sunny day in the Sahara desert, they were happy. Then one meerkat popped his head out from the ground and other two meerkat popped out their heads from the ground too. All of the meerkats suddenly popped out their heads and went to a tree and climbed it. 

Then they saw a vulture. The vulture took their fruit off the tree. One meerkat jumped on to the vultures legs and hung onto the fruit. All the meerkats did a line to get the fruit. So the vultures went up even higher to get the meerkats off.

Then when the fruit fell out of the vultures claws, the vulture banged into the dry rocks and the fruit fell. So then the meerkats caught the fruit and were playing rugby with the fruit. Then one meerkat kicked the fruit and it fell onto the dry sand then they looked shocked.
Image result for meerkat catch it photo

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